Marriage counseling, also known as couples counseling, relationship counseling, or couples therapy, is a form of therapy that supports people in intimate relationships.
Couples often seek out counseling because they are struggling in their relationships with one of the following issues:
• Communication issues
• Infidelity or affairs
• Lack of intimacy
• Anger, constant argument or fighting
• Sexual dissatisfaction
• Financial issues
• Major life adjustments
• Conflict issues on parenting
Dr. Levin has been helping couples for over 30 years, and is highly trained in dealing with couples specific issues. He was personally trained by Dr. John Gray, author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus. During couples counseling, Dr. Levin helps partners:
• Become better listeners and communicators
• Learn more about each other
• Find the underlying issues in the relationship
• Acquire healthy problem-solving skills
• Learn to support each other in new ways
While Dr. Levin sees many married couples, he also sees all types of couples, including those not married and those thinking about getting married (i.e., premarital counseling). He also helps many couples explore the viability of their relationships, and helps them navigate the difficult question of whether to stay together.
Just as Dr. Levin has helped thousands of couples and saved hundreds of marriages, he can also help improve your relationship.
Call today at (732) 492-9132 for an initial evaluation.