I specialize in providing coping skills to those involved in a separation or divorce.
What are coping skills: Coping skills are methods a person uses to deal with stressful situations. Obtaining and maintaining good coping skills does take practice.
Men and Women cope differently with separation or divorce. Even if their marriage does come to an end, the chances are they women cope better with it than their husbands.
Divorce can make friendships complicated. Your couples friends may not know what to do with you. They’ll be nice at first but maintaining those friendships over time gets tricky. Friends feel they have to choose one divorcing spouse over the other.
There are really two sides to the divorce process; the human emotional side and the formal legal side. Different coping strategies and skills are appropriate to address each of these aspects of divorce.
Emotional Coping
Divorce can trigger all sorts of unsettling uncomfortable and frightening feelings, thoughts and emotions. Iicluding grief, loneliness, depression and despair, guilt , frustration, anxiety anger and devastation. There is frequently sanness and grief at the thought of the end of a significant relationship. There can be fear at the prospect of being single again, possible for a long time (or even forever AND WITH HAVING TO COPE WITH changed financial , living and social circumstances. There can be anger at a partner’s stubbornness and pettiness, abuse, or outright betrayal. There can be guilt over perceived failures to have made the relationship work.There can be overwhelming depression at the though of the seeming impossibility fo bein abel wo cope with all the changes that are required Any and all of these emotions are enough to make people miser able, and to find them wanting to cry at 3am in the morning.
Ways to Cope
Painful as they are, these sorts of emotions are generally naturally grief –related are natural grief-related reactions to a very difficult life-altering situation.
1. Allow grieving to occur. Grief is a natural human reaction to loss. Grief is not a simple emotion itself, vut rather is an instinctual emotional process that can invoke all sorts of emotional reactions as it runs its course.
2. Choose to Move forward. While grief can be immobilizing at first, after a while most grieving people find that, little by little, they are ready to move on with their lives. People feel that counseling has greatly helped them .